Chapter 19: Costumes Galore

Hades Cordell – Dad, witch
Diana Cordell – Mom, fairy
Bryan Cordell – Boy #1, fairy, young adult, Purple
Brian Cordell – Boy #2, witch, young adult, Spiceberry

Bella Cordell – Girl #1, fairy, young adult, Sea Foam
Brandon Cordell – Boy #3, fairy, young adult, Turquoise
Beatrix Cordell – Girl #2, witch, young adult, Lilac

Balthazar Cordell – Boy #4, fairy, young adult, Pink
Baxter Cordell – Boy #5, fairy, young adult, Violet

Bellatrix Cordell – Girl #3, fairy, young adult, Lilac
Belladonna Cordell – Girl #4, fairy, young adult, Orange

Betsy Cordell – Girl #5, fairy, young adult, Blue
Braida Cordell – Girl #6, witch, young adult, Green
Brayson Cordell – Boy #6, fairy, young adult, Black

Buttercup Cordell – Girl #7, witch, young adult, Purple
Bridget Cordell – Girl #8, fairy, young adult, Green

Bryce Cordell – Boy #7, witch, young adult, White
Bree Cordell – Girl # 9, fairy, young adult, Grey
Brighton Cordell – Boy #8, fairy, young adult, Red
Banana Cordell – Girl #10, fairy, young adult, Lime

Blaire Cordell – Girl #11, fairy, young adult, Yellow
Blake Cordell – Boy #9, fairy, young adult, Purple
Blaze Cordell – Girl #12, witch, young adult, Yellow

Boop Cordell – Girl #13, fairy, teen, Purple
Beep Cordell – Girl #14, witch, teen, White
Blaine Cordell – Boy #10, fairy, teen, Pink
Bass Cordell – Girl #15, witch, teen, Yellow
Bleet Cordell – Girl #16, fairy, child, Black
Brett Cordell – Boy #11, witch, child, Violet
Billie Cordell – Girl #17, fairy, child, Spiceberry
Beetle Cordell – Boy #12, fairy, child, Sea Foam
Blip Cordell – Girl #18, witch, child, Violet

Welcome back to the Cordell Baby Boom! Last time there were birthdays, pumpkins were carved, Bridget threw a lousy party, and Blake once more did the cops job by beating up the burglar.

Blake and Blaze have their portraits started and are moving out. Blake is probably off to start some kind of new age religious cult, while Blaze tags along just to scam everyone out of their money.

Now that they’re children Blip and Beetle get to carve pumpkins to join everyone else’s.

Beep: “Ow, I think I hurt my back.”
Maybe give the waterslide a rest for awhile.
Beep: “Nah.”

There’s always someone dancing around here (it’s always a fairy too).

Bass is still working on her painting, Hades actually doesn’t do a portrait of himself, Bass skills up to level 7 and does it.

Beetle’s pumpkin is on the left, and Blip’s is on the right.

Beetle: “When were these things last cleaned?”
Seeing as you were the last toddler in the house that’s probably your own waste.
Beetle: “So it’s been awhile then.”

Diana: “Yeah no, that is not happening. We are not getting a pet!”
Bleet: “Why not, it’s not like your planning on having more kids!”
Diana: “Cause I said so!”

Diana: “Wait a minute, I still have genie lamp!”

Diana: “What happened to your hat?”
Genie: “I’d prefer not to talk about it. You have one wish left.”

Diana: “Hm, what to wish for? Oh I know! World Misery!”
Bleet: “You suck Mom.”

Genie: “If you’re sure. I NOW BRING MISERY TO THE WORLD!!”

Genie: “Have fun with that, I’m out of here.”

Blip: “I still think it’s cheating. You can fly and I can’t! It’s not fair if you’re allowed to fly in tag!”
Bleet: “Tough luck. As Mom would say, use every advantage you have…”
Blip: “Yeah, yeah, and if you don’t have an advantage make one, I know.”

Brett: “I love puddles!”

It’s raining, why are you two having a water balloon fight???
Bleet: “It just makes it more fun!”

Beetle: “And then the Grim Reaper told her that she was dead all along.”
Beetle, no one is listening.
Beetle: “So?”

Ah, look at my two white haired kids playing together. The white hair doesn’t show up a lot, and Brett is the only boy to get it.

Why are you running this time?

Brett: “I keep finding monsters! Why are they always lurking under the beds???”

Diana, what are you doing?

You ARE HER MOTHER!! You just insulted yourself.

Diana: “Well my wings are better than yours!”
Boop: “I don’t think so!”
Guys, the only difference in your wings is the colour.

Beetle: “Oh no.”
Could you not make it to one of the 6 bathrooms (including all-in-one bathrooms) in the house?
Beetle: “Apparently not.”

Children which have moved out of the house? It’s a party!

It must be Spooky Day, they’re all fighting to kick over the gnomes.

Why is everyone hanging outside?

The party is a costume party! Diana is a white tiger.

While Hades is an orange one… Diana and Hades have matching costumes, that’s adorable.

Bass is a serial killer… I think.

Brett is a grumpy roman, Billie is a superhero, and the hotdog is Blip.

Bleet is a creepy looking clown.

And Beetle is also a superhero.

I’m not entirely sure what Beep is supposed to be.

Blaze didn’t dress up and Blaine is a cow plant.

And the last of the household, Boop is a robber… I wonder where she got that idea from. *cough* Two robberies in two posts *cough*

Baxter amused me greatly by dressing as a hotdog.

I think Balthazar is supposed to be a private detective or something.

Uh, Bryan, where’s your costume?

Bryan: “I was storing it in the netherworld.”

Beatrix is an astronaut… In high heels.

Belladonna: “That’s what you’re wearing?”
Beatrix: “Cheerleader, how cliché.”

Brandon is a hotdog… Again. Why am I surprised?

Bellatrix as a burglar kind of fits.

Now that I think about it, I don’t think any of the boys ended up with the purple hair, only the girls.

It’s a costume party, but everyone seems to be spending it outside, instead of dancing or eating.

For a moment I thought Bryan changed outfits, but that’s Brayson… With the amount of kids Diana and Hades have, there are only so many genetic combinations, some of these kids look too much alike.

And there’s another hotdog, this one is Brian, bringing the hotdog count up to four.

It is so weird seeing Bleet with so much less hair.

Brett is a little roman playing in the sand. This is adorable.

Billie of course didn’t stay in her costume very long.

At least someone is using the nursery, it doesn’t get much use these days.

Really Bella?
Blip: “What is she doing?”

Beep: “I want a turn in the sandbox!”
This sandbox is huge, go to the other end or something!

REALLY? The dishwasher is broken, again!!!!

Bass is now high enough in the painting skill to give Hades a portrait.

Boop: “Do you really have to do that here?”
Diana: “How about I sweep you off your feet somewhere else?”
Hades: “Hurgh.”
Boop: “Gross, I’m leaving now.”

Gnome: “Help. I’m to close to the edge & I can’t swim!”

Hades or Diana (I can’t remember who) found a time machine at the consignment store.

Time for some time travel!

Well those pumpkins didn’t last long, at least Spooky Day is over… The two remaining are Blip’s and Beetle’s.

And that’s all for now, see you next time!