Chapter 19: Costumes Galore

Hades Cordell – Dad, witch
Diana Cordell – Mom, fairy
Bryan Cordell – Boy #1, fairy, young adult, Purple
Brian Cordell – Boy #2, witch, young adult, Spiceberry

Bella Cordell – Girl #1, fairy, young adult, Sea Foam
Brandon Cordell – Boy #3, fairy, young adult, Turquoise
Beatrix Cordell – Girl #2, witch, young adult, Lilac

Balthazar Cordell – Boy #4, fairy, young adult, Pink
Baxter Cordell – Boy #5, fairy, young adult, Violet

Bellatrix Cordell – Girl #3, fairy, young adult, Lilac
Belladonna Cordell – Girl #4, fairy, young adult, Orange

Betsy Cordell – Girl #5, fairy, young adult, Blue
Braida Cordell – Girl #6, witch, young adult, Green
Brayson Cordell – Boy #6, fairy, young adult, Black

Buttercup Cordell – Girl #7, witch, young adult, Purple
Bridget Cordell – Girl #8, fairy, young adult, Green

Bryce Cordell – Boy #7, witch, young adult, White
Bree Cordell – Girl # 9, fairy, young adult, Grey
Brighton Cordell – Boy #8, fairy, young adult, Red
Banana Cordell – Girl #10, fairy, young adult, Lime

Blaire Cordell – Girl #11, fairy, young adult, Yellow
Blake Cordell – Boy #9, fairy, young adult, Purple
Blaze Cordell – Girl #12, witch, young adult, Yellow

Boop Cordell – Girl #13, fairy, teen, Purple
Beep Cordell – Girl #14, witch, teen, White
Blaine Cordell – Boy #10, fairy, teen, Pink
Bass Cordell – Girl #15, witch, teen, Yellow
Bleet Cordell – Girl #16, fairy, child, Black
Brett Cordell – Boy #11, witch, child, Violet
Billie Cordell – Girl #17, fairy, child, Spiceberry
Beetle Cordell – Boy #12, fairy, child, Sea Foam
Blip Cordell – Girl #18, witch, child, Violet

Welcome back to the Cordell Baby Boom! Last time there were birthdays, pumpkins were carved, Bridget threw a lousy party, and Blake once more did the cops job by beating up the burglar.

Blake and Blaze have their portraits started and are moving out. Blake is probably off to start some kind of new age religious cult, while Blaze tags along just to scam everyone out of their money.

Now that they’re children Blip and Beetle get to carve pumpkins to join everyone else’s.

Beep: “Ow, I think I hurt my back.”
Maybe give the waterslide a rest for awhile.
Beep: “Nah.”

There’s always someone dancing around here (it’s always a fairy too).

Bass is still working on her painting, Hades actually doesn’t do a portrait of himself, Bass skills up to level 7 and does it.

Beetle’s pumpkin is on the left, and Blip’s is on the right.

Beetle: “When were these things last cleaned?”
Seeing as you were the last toddler in the house that’s probably your own waste.
Beetle: “So it’s been awhile then.”

Diana: “Yeah no, that is not happening. We are not getting a pet!”
Bleet: “Why not, it’s not like your planning on having more kids!”
Diana: “Cause I said so!”

Diana: “Wait a minute, I still have genie lamp!”

Diana: “What happened to your hat?”
Genie: “I’d prefer not to talk about it. You have one wish left.”

Diana: “Hm, what to wish for? Oh I know! World Misery!”
Bleet: “You suck Mom.”

Genie: “If you’re sure. I NOW BRING MISERY TO THE WORLD!!”

Genie: “Have fun with that, I’m out of here.”

Blip: “I still think it’s cheating. You can fly and I can’t! It’s not fair if you’re allowed to fly in tag!”
Bleet: “Tough luck. As Mom would say, use every advantage you have…”
Blip: “Yeah, yeah, and if you don’t have an advantage make one, I know.”

Brett: “I love puddles!”

It’s raining, why are you two having a water balloon fight???
Bleet: “It just makes it more fun!”

Beetle: “And then the Grim Reaper told her that she was dead all along.”
Beetle, no one is listening.
Beetle: “So?”

Ah, look at my two white haired kids playing together. The white hair doesn’t show up a lot, and Brett is the only boy to get it.

Why are you running this time?

Brett: “I keep finding monsters! Why are they always lurking under the beds???”

Diana, what are you doing?

You ARE HER MOTHER!! You just insulted yourself.

Diana: “Well my wings are better than yours!”
Boop: “I don’t think so!”
Guys, the only difference in your wings is the colour.

Beetle: “Oh no.”
Could you not make it to one of the 6 bathrooms (including all-in-one bathrooms) in the house?
Beetle: “Apparently not.”

Children which have moved out of the house? It’s a party!

It must be Spooky Day, they’re all fighting to kick over the gnomes.

Why is everyone hanging outside?

The party is a costume party! Diana is a white tiger.

While Hades is an orange one… Diana and Hades have matching costumes, that’s adorable.

Bass is a serial killer… I think.

Brett is a grumpy roman, Billie is a superhero, and the hotdog is Blip.

Bleet is a creepy looking clown.

And Beetle is also a superhero.

I’m not entirely sure what Beep is supposed to be.

Blaze didn’t dress up and Blaine is a cow plant.

And the last of the household, Boop is a robber… I wonder where she got that idea from. *cough* Two robberies in two posts *cough*

Baxter amused me greatly by dressing as a hotdog.

I think Balthazar is supposed to be a private detective or something.

Uh, Bryan, where’s your costume?

Bryan: “I was storing it in the netherworld.”

Beatrix is an astronaut… In high heels.

Belladonna: “That’s what you’re wearing?”
Beatrix: “Cheerleader, how cliché.”

Brandon is a hotdog… Again. Why am I surprised?

Bellatrix as a burglar kind of fits.

Now that I think about it, I don’t think any of the boys ended up with the purple hair, only the girls.

It’s a costume party, but everyone seems to be spending it outside, instead of dancing or eating.

For a moment I thought Bryan changed outfits, but that’s Brayson… With the amount of kids Diana and Hades have, there are only so many genetic combinations, some of these kids look too much alike.

And there’s another hotdog, this one is Brian, bringing the hotdog count up to four.

It is so weird seeing Bleet with so much less hair.

Brett is a little roman playing in the sand. This is adorable.

Billie of course didn’t stay in her costume very long.

At least someone is using the nursery, it doesn’t get much use these days.

Really Bella?
Blip: “What is she doing?”

Beep: “I want a turn in the sandbox!”
This sandbox is huge, go to the other end or something!

REALLY? The dishwasher is broken, again!!!!

Bass is now high enough in the painting skill to give Hades a portrait.

Boop: “Do you really have to do that here?”
Diana: “How about I sweep you off your feet somewhere else?”
Hades: “Hurgh.”
Boop: “Gross, I’m leaving now.”

Gnome: “Help. I’m to close to the edge & I can’t swim!”

Hades or Diana (I can’t remember who) found a time machine at the consignment store.

Time for some time travel!

Well those pumpkins didn’t last long, at least Spooky Day is over… The two remaining are Blip’s and Beetle’s.

And that’s all for now, see you next time!

Chapter 14: Gift Giving Disaster

Hades Cordell – Dad, witch
Diana Cordell – Mom, fairy
Bryan Cordell – Boy #1, fairy, young adult, Purple
Brian Cordell – Boy #2, witch, young adult, Spiceberry

Bella Cordell – Girl #1, fairy, young adult, Sea Foam
Brandon Cordell – Boy #3, fairy, young adult, Turquoise
Beatrix Cordell – Girl #2, witch, young adult, Lilac

Balthazar Cordell – Boy #4, fairy, young adult, Pink
Baxter Cordell – Boy #5, fairy, young adult, Violet

Bellatrix Cordell – Girl #3, fairy, young adult, Lilac
Belladonna Cordell – Girl #4, fairy, young adult, Orange

Betsy Cordell – Girl #5, fairy, young adult, Blue
Braida Cordell – Girl #6, witch, young adult, Green
Brayson Cordell – Boy #6, fairy, young adult, Black

Buttercup Cordell – Girl #7, witch, teen, Purple
Bridget Cordell – Girl #8, fairy, teen, Green
Bryce Cordell – Boy #7, witch, teen, White
Bree Cordell – Girl # 9, fairy, teen, Grey
Brighton Cordell – Boy #8, fairy, teen, Red
Banana Cordell – Girl #10, fairy, teen, Lime
Blaire Cordell – Girl #11, fairy, child, Yellow
Blake Cordell – Boy #9, fairy, toddler, Purple
Blaze Cordell – Girl #12, witch, toddler, Yellow
Boop Cordell – Girl #13, fairy, baby, Purple
Beep Cordell – Girl #14, witch, baby, White

Welcome back to the Cordell Baby Boom! It’s been awhile, so last time there was a crap ton of birthdays and I was disappointed when two girls, Beep and Boop, were added to the family when only 3 more boys are needed for the challenge.

With the amount of people in this family I decided to throw in some all-in-one bathrooms.
Bryce: “And one of them is already even broken.”

Hades: “Hmm, something about this snowman seems off.”
It’s missing a head.
Hades: “I’ve got it! Arms! That’s what this needs.”
*Face palm*

Diana: “Someone has to make sure this family doesn’t go broke.”
And you couldn’t have changed out of your sleepwear before you left?
Diana: “Whatever for? There’s hardly anyone here?”
What about the person that mans the register?
Diana: “I could strip nude and nothing would happen.”
You could get fined by the police.
Diana: “Please, I eat police for breakfast.”

It is so odd having only one child aged sim in the house…

This however, is offset by the SIX teens that are currently around.
Bryce: “I just love matches, the fire makes me so happy!”
Bryce, with no input from me, just randomly decided to call Beatrix, the other Insane member of this family.

There’s also a lot of yelling at thin air thanks to 3/4 of the quads.

Every meal time leads to an entire mountain of plates, which Bryce seems to be the main one to clean up.
Bryce has the Unstable trait like his older brother Baxter, but for some reason Baxter got far more episodes than Bryce does.

Banana: “Ah. Hot tubing in the light of a full moon, how amazing.”

Hot tubing on a full moon, complete with zombies, screaming sisters…

And the sounds of destruction… I’m not sure this qualifies as amazing, but it’s certainly something.

Despite the two fridges and staggered eating, meal times always seem to end up as a mess of route fails.

Bryce is playing with the Brayson look-alike… Um…. Blake, that’s this kids name, which I definitely didn’t just look up… *Whistles innocently*

It is time…

It seems Bree is going through a mood swing, which means lots of pranks in the house.

It looks like Brian and Bryan are here.

As is Beatrix with food and several of her other siblings…

Looks like I decided to throw a family gift giving party which I recorded absolutely no notes on… This is going to be fun.

Bryce: “WHO ARE YOU????”
Brian: “Your brother?… He’s like Beatrix isn’t he?”
Yep! He also has two other siblings just as crazy.
Brian: “Great…”

Hi Bellatrix!

Brandon joins Bellatrix in the weird dancing department, while Belladonna seems to be dancing normal enough… For now anyway.

Beatrix: “Dancing, how lame? I’m going to sit here with my legs crossed and be cool.”

Look who finally decided to show up after refusing to leave the house last time.

This is going to be interesting…

Everyone’s arguing over seats…

And route failing all over the place.

This is when I noticed a party crashers, and I decided to reset her in order to send her home…


Oh well, at least the party is still going….
Evil Bellatrix is spending time with her Evil little sister… There seems to have been a little spurt of Evil sims in this family.

Most of the kids ended up inside after the call to open presents, so they simply stayed put, but decided to dance instead.

Hades and Diana even got in on it. While these two may have an odd relationship, they actually do seem to like each other.

Of course, while the fairies are all dancing, the witches are content to watch TV.

Braida: “What do we do now?”
Beatrix: “I DIDN’T DO IT!!!”
Braida: “Not what I asked, but NO WAY ARE YOU BLAMING THIS ON ME!!”

Baxter managed to escape the dancing and decided to build an igloo… right in front of the back door. WHY????

Beatrix: “Fix it.”
Braida: “I’m not fixing it, you fix it!”
Beatrix: “YOU FIX IT!”
Braida: “NO YOU FIX IT!!!!!!”

Bryce seems to be going around starting pillow fights with everyone, but then insisting that the pillow fights take place outside… In the middle of winter.

I completely forgot Brandon was neat until I saw this picture… At least someone is cleaning.

Bella: “When did you change into your athletic wear?”
Brian: “I’m magic!”

And Bryce has dragged someone else into a pillow fight.

In other news the disappointments are now toddlers… I’m pretty sure this is Boop.
Since I didn’t give any traits or anything when she was born, Boop is Good and Loves the Heat. As you can tell she’s a fairy who likes purple.

This one is Beep, who’s a Genius and Excitable. She’s a witch and likes white.

Bella apparently stayed up all night dancing and is still here when the twins beginning their training.

Hades has the sense to do training in the quiet of the nursery.

Here’s to hoping for some boys this time!

In other news Bella is still here… At least she’s actually sleeping now.

Brighton: “AND DANCE!”
Diana: “Why are all my children so strange?”

It’s dinner time, and Bella is still here.
Bella: “I’m not going to turn down free food.”

It’s prom time! Bridget was Prom Queen, Brighton Prom King, and Buttercup and Bree got RI’s who you are never going to see.

And birthdays happened! Blaze now has Star Quality, and so does Blake.

In typical Evil sim fashion, Blaze decides to annihilate a snow angel.
Blaze: “ARGH!!!!!”

Oh look, Bridget is another sim I neglected to style an athletic wear for.
Bryce: “You call this justice! I thought we had money, so why are the couches still crappy???!!!”
I haven’t gotten around to it yet? I do think I replace them eventually, if I’m remembering right… It’s been awhile since I played this.

Bryce: “I love the smell of babies.”

The witches are still vastly outnumbered by the fairies in this family, and with Braida gone I can no longer confuse her and Buttercup.

Birthday time!

Blaire is now a Supernatural Skeptic… Girl, you’re a FAIRY!
Blaire: “Nonsense, it’s a lie made to influence the stupid.”

Anyway… It’s baby time!

Come on boys!

YES!!!!! IT’S A BOY! Meet Blaine, he also has a twin sister Bass, but I didn’t bother to photograph her.

I’ll do traits and stuff when they become toddlers, until next time folks!

Chapter 10: So Many Babies

Hades Cordell – Dad, witch
Diana Cordell – Mom, fairy
Bryan Cordell – Boy #1, fairy, young adult, Purple
Brian Cordell – Boy #2, witch, young adult, Spiceberry

Bella Cordell – Girl #1, fairy, young adult, Sea Foam
Brandon Cordell – Boy #3, fairy, young adult, Turquoise
Beatrix Cordell – Girl #2, witch, young adult, Lilac

Balthazar Cordell – Boy #4, fairy, teen, Pink
Baxter Cordell – Boy #5, fairy, teen, Violet
Bellatrix Cordell – Girl #3, fairy, teen, Lilac
Belladonna Cordell – Girl #4, fairy, teen, Orange
Betsy Cordell – Girl #5, fairy, child, Blue
Braida Cordell – Girl #6, witch, child, Green
Brayson Cordell – Boy #6, fairy, child, Black
Buttercup Cordell – Girl #7, witch, toddler, Purple
Bridget Cordell – Girl #8, fairy, toddler, Green

Welcome back to the Cordell Baby Boom! Last time there were a ton of birthdays, Beatrix and Brandon moved out, Esteban stalked the kids to a nearby park where there was a large line for the slide, and Diana used a genie to wish for a large family.

Balthazar: “Go Bridget! I know you can do it!”
Bridget: “I haven’t even started yet, and I sure as hell don’t need a cheerleader.”

Diana: “Can no one in this house put their plate in the dishwasher?”
They try, but there’s always a line, so they eventually give up.
Diana: “Excuses, excuses.”

Betsy: “It’s my birthday!”

Betsy is now Unflirty.
Betsy: “I just don’t like flirting, it all feels kind of pointless.”

Diana: “Oh this is a familiar feeling.”
Hades: “Crap! I never know what to do!”
Balthazar: “I really don’t want to see this.”
Baxter: “Where’s my paper bag!? I need my paper bag!!” *heavy breathing*
Diana: “Well all of you just leave! Baxter sounds like he’s in labour more then I do!”
Baxter: “I’m not ready to have a child!”
Balthazar: “You’re NOT! MOM IS!”
Baxter: “Oh… I feel a little stupid now.”
Diana: “ALL OF YOU LEAVE!!!”

Heeding his wife’s wishes, Hades busies himself with potty training.
And the new babies you say?

Meet Bryce, he’s Insane, Hates the Outdoors, and is a witch.

This is Brighton, he’s Insane, Light Sleeper, and a fairy.

This is Banana, she’s Good, Light Sleeper, and a fairy. And I somehow lost the picture, but there is a fourth child, Bree, she’s Insane, Athletic, and also a fairy.

Hades: “The poltergeist is back, and my wife just gave birth to quads… I think I’m going to drown myself in the potty.”
Oh you’ll manage, you’ve got plenty of teenagers to help out.

I can no longer remember what’s going on with Belladonna’s IF.

I assume it has something to do with her recently becoming a teenager.

And it’s birthday time for Balthazar.

And for Baxter.

This picture is mainly to show of Balthazar’s pajama’s.

Baxter is now Hates the Outdoors and has a lifetime wish of Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers.

Balthazar is now a Cat Person and has a lifetime wish of Cat Herder, hence the cat themed clothes.

With portraits started, these two moved out.

Brayson: “Where are we this time?”

Bellatrix: “Who knows, who cares!”
Betsy: “I think these are the ruins of… Something?”

Bellatrix: “Dah nah. Dah nah. Dah nah.”
Betsy: “You do realise I can see you coming.”

Betsy: “Liar! I have lots of hair.”

Belladonna: “I can fly!”
Brayson: “Ummm, is that safe.”
Betsy: “Absolutely not. Last time she did this, she hit her head.”

Diana: “Alright, I’ve got a brilliant idea!”

Diana: “I’ve got the best wish plan. I wish for more wishes!”

Genie: “Your wish is my command! You got one more wish.”
Diana: “Well that didn’t work as planned.”

Hades is now the proud owner of one age freeze potion, which he promptly drank.

Belladonna: “Did you just do a spin?”

Betsy: “What can I say, I like to mix it up sometimes, with something that isn’t the smustle.”

Braida: “Out of my way! I have a dare to complete.”
Belladonna: “A dare?”
Braida: “Bellatrix says she doesn’t think I have the guts to jump from the top of the tree house, I’m going to prove her wrong!”
Diana: “Don’t get yourself killed, it’ll mean we’ll have to replace you.”
Braida: “Don’t worry, I’m going to kick gravity’s ass.”
Diana: “That’s the spirit!”
Belladonna: “I’m going to get Dad… and the first-aid kit.”

Buttercup: “Well, we’ve been told to master these toys, but the question is why?”
Bridget: “While you’ve been pondering philosophical questions I’ve been actually getting this stuff done. The faster we do this, the faster we can move on.”
Buttercup: “Oh… I’ve fallen behind.”

Braida: “I may have broken both of my legs, but I proved you wrong Bellatrix!”
Bellatrix: “Yeah, I severely underestimated your ability to do stupid shit.”
Belladonna: “At least Dad was able to heal Braida quickly. You should be more careful about what you say to her Bellatrix! Braida will take anything as a challenge.”
Brayson: “Wait, when did this happen?”
Braida: “A few hours ago, keep up.”


*echoing laughter*

Belladonna: “And that’s why you should never cross a witch, they hold grudges like you wouldn’t believe.”
IF: *is invisible*

I think these two are the only surviving pets of Bryan’s… I’m surprised they’ve managed to last this long, I keep forgetting to feed them.

Hades & Diana: *vacant stares*
Babies: *cries*
Diana: “We’re never having quads again.”
Hades: “Agreed.”

Braida: “I’m gonna go to the moon someday, and no one will stop me. I’ll even build my own rocket!”
Ummm, maybe leave the rocket building to the professionals.
Braida: “You just don’t think I can do it.”

Brayson: “Why did Bellatrix drag us all to the graveyard?”
Braida: “Mom and Dad kicked us all out of the house for some fresh air or something. I don’t see what’s wrong with hanging out by a graveyard?”
Brayson: “There’s ghosts and dead people!”
Braida: “Don’t be stupid Brayson, ghosts only come out at night.”

Bellatrix: “Well midget, time to freeze your ass off.”
Braida: “You’re going to pay for this.”

Betsy: “I’m out of here.”
Belladonna: “Yeah, this place is boring. Watching Brayson jump out of his skin with every rustle of a tree branch got old an hour ago.”

Brayson: “Well, I guess this place isn’t so bad. *rustling of branches* WHAT WAS THAT??? Are the dead coming back to life? Are they trying to crawl their way free from their decaying coffins to EAT MY BRAINS!?!?!?!? Betsy and Belladonna left, so I’m going to leave too!”

Diana: “Peace and quiet, I’ve missed this.”
*loud screeching*

Oh, I was just getting around to making a proper backyard for the kids to enjoy.

Braida: “And that’s another zombie down! Coming to the graveyard was the best idea ever.”

Betsy: “So this is called hopscotch…”
Bellatrix: “Whatever it’s called, just know I’m going to beat you.”

Bellatrix: “DAMNIT!”
Betsy: “So much for beating me.”

Betsy: “How is this so much harder than it looks?!”
You guys just suck at hopscotch apparently.

Diana: “What do you think you’re doing?!”
Braida: “Coming home from the cemetery. You’re the one who wanted us all out of the house.”
Diana: “That helmet does not go with your outfit at all! I will not have my daughter go around dressed like that!”
Braida: “So you’re not upset I spent several hours alone at the cemetery?”
Diana: “Why would I care about that?”

Diana: “I’m such an awesome mother, I deserve to treat myself… This waterslide is the best investment in out new backyard!”

Betsy: “Our family is just the best at dancing, aren’t we just awesome.”
Belladonna: “I think you mean the fairy members of our family, the witches all seem to think dancing all the time to be excessive.”
Betsy: “Mom doesn’t dance to often though…”
Belladonna: “It apparently interferes with her evil plan brain juices.”
Betsy: “Does it affect Bellatrix?”
Belladonna: “Hmm, I’ve never asked.”

Hades: “I’m freeeeeeee! I feel as if I haven’t stepped out of the house in weeks.”
That’s probably because you haven’t.
Hades: “I suppose that explains a lot.”

I think Hades is becoming a partner in one of the businesses in town… I can’t really remember.

Diana: “They’re all screaming. Hades is never allowed to leave me alone with them again, I will chain him to the nursery if I have to.”

Braida: “Hey Mom.”
Diana: “Mom’s eating, that means no talking.”
Braida: “Right…”
Brayson: “Uh, Mom?”
Diana: “NO TALKING!”
Brayson: *mutters* “But I think there’s a dead rat in the dishwasher.”

Wow, the gnome population is expanding quickly.
Old Gnome: “GET OFF MY LAWN! And YOU stop pretending to fly!”

It is time… The quads are aging up.

This is Banana, she looks quite a bit like Bella in terms of her facial features.

This is Bree, the one who’s baby photo went missing… Wait a minute, why isn’t she wearing shoes? I’m pretty sure I put shoes on her.

Now for the boys, Bryce is on the left and Brighton is on the right.

Diana: “Oh great, there’s going to be more of them.”
If it makes you feel better you’re only going for one this time.

Bridget: “Why am I outside?”
Regardless it’s birthday time!

But Bridget wasn’t the only one with a birthday.

Bridget is now Athletic.
Bridget: “Just like Mom!”

Buttercup is now Unlucky… At least she won’t die unexpectedly on me.

Brayson is now a Cat Person.
Brayson: “I want a cat.”
No, the house is full enough.

And Braida is now a Gatherer.
Braida: “At least anything I find will be more valuable.”
Not that you’ll actually go looking for things.
Braida: “So, it’s still a useful trait in the right context.”

And that’s all for now folks, see you next time!

Chapter 9: Genies And Weirdos

Hades Cordell – Dad, witch
Diana Cordell – Mom, fairy
Bryan Cordell – Boy #1, fairy, young adult, Purple
Brian Cordell – Boy #2, witch, young adult, Spiceberry

Bella Cordell – Girl #1, fairy, young adult, Sea Foam
Brandon Cordell – Boy #3, fairy, teen, Turquoise
Beatrix Cordell – Girl #2, witch, teen, Lilac
Balthazar Cordell – Boy #4, fairy, teen, Pink
Baxter Cordell – Boy #5, fairy, teen, Violet
Bellatrix Cordell – Girl #3, fairy, child, Lilac
Belladonna Cordell – Girl #4, fairy, child, Orange
Betsy Cordell – Girl #5, fairy, child, Blue
Braida Cordell – Girl #6, witch, toddler, Green
Brayson Cordell – Boy #6, fairy, toddler, Black
Buttercup Cordell – Girl #7, witch, baby, Purple
Bridget Cordell – Girl #8, fairy, baby, Green

Welcome back to the Cordell Baby Boom! Last time Bella aged up and out, Betsy became a child, and Bellatrix stole Diana’s hot dog while she gave birth to Buttercup and Bridget. Unfortunately the gender ratio of kids is no longer even.

We come back to Hades potty training Braida.

I then remembered that they still needed to max the xylophone and peg box.
Braida: “Brother, what are you doing?”
Brayson: “This way the block fits into whatever hole I want!”

Bellatrix: “I need some money, can you please give me some?”
Hades: “What do you need money for? Is your allowance not enough?”
Bellatrix: “My allowance isn’t nearly enough for the plutonium I need.”
Hades: “What could you possibly need plutonium for?”
Bellatrix: “I think all go ask Mom instead.”

Hades: “Why do I get the sense that I’m outnumbered?”
It seems you’re one of two witches in the room.
Diana: “What? Can’t take a little fairy power.”

While the fairies dance (or in Diana’s case workout), the witches watch TV.

Belladonna still has an obsession with pillow fighting her stalker IF. The rest of the family probably thinks she’s crazy.

These two have now swapped places.
Brayson: “I’ve got to add my teeth marks too.”
Braida: “I’m showing this simpleton how to actually use this thing.”

It’s a day off, so to the mausoleum the kids go!

Bellatrix: “I’m creating a model of my future evil lair.”

I’m not sure how, but the shower has turned see-through, it goes back to normal a few days later.

The mausoleum trip resulted in two new gnomes to add to their collection.

IF: “Hi bestie!”
Belladonna: “I’m not in the mood right now, go away.”
IF: “But we must be together always.”
Belladonna: “GO AWAY!”

Bellatrix: “I don’t think you need this, but my stomach will surely appreciate it.”
Brayson: “My candy!!!”

Balthazar: “But I need those!!!”

Diana: “Damnit! How can I sit with all these brats around?!”
Bellatrix: “We’re your spawn mother, you have no one to blame but yourself.”

Diana: “Get out of my seat before I decide to roast and eat your eyeballs!”
Bellatrix: *snort* “You’re living dangerously.”
Baxter: “I may have made a mistake.”
Beatrix: “You think?”

Hades: “Do you know how many siblings you have?!?!?!? I do NOT have time to deal with you booby trapping the sink!!!!!”
Brandon: “Geez. It was just a prank Dad, calm down.”
Hades: “I think I’ve earned the right to be mad! I grew up with three insane siblings in a family with no money, now I’m married to your mother, a woman with no morals, NOT TO MENTION THE WHOLE BROOD OF BRATS I HAVE!!!!!”
Brandon: “I think I’m just going to go walk away now…”

Baxter: “HEY! Dad must be where I get my mental instability from!”

I always love seeing the witch toddler toy poof, there aren’t enough witches in this family. (And funny enough, most of the ones that do exist are girls.)

And now we have a bunch of birthdays!

Bellatrix now adds Friendly to her traits… Despite how she behaved during her childhood, she’s not turning out to be all that evil.

Belladonna is now a Computer Whiz… Not that they actually own a computer.

Beatrix is now Clumsy and wants to be the CEO of a Mega-Cooperation.

While Brandon is Neurotic and wants to be a Master Thief… I suppose it’s a career Diana will approve of.

Diana: “I can’t believe more of my babies are leaving!”
Uhhh, Diana?
Diana: “YOU SAW NOTHING! I’m GLAD to be short of a few brats!”

Now that Beatrix and Brandon are young adults, with descent portraits started, it’s time for them to move out.

Oh look, this must be when I redid the walls.
Diana: “MWAHAHAHAHA!! My evil plan is working like a charm!”
What plan?
Diana: “Wouldn’t you like to know!”
Belladonna: “Why is my family so weird?”

Belladonna: “And then she started talking about finding the right camera. Any idea what Mom is up to this time?”
Bellatrix: “I honestly can’t think of what she would need a camera for.”
Belladonna: “I thought so. I think she’s just saying random stuff about evil plots to make herself look more dastardly than she actually is.”
Bellatrix: “That would not surprise me.”

This is just a reminder that the toddlers still exist.

Would you look at that? Most of the kids are actually doing their homework at the kitchen table for once!

Bellatrix: “Look how absolutely terrifying I am!”
Betsy: “I can make funny faces too!”
I think Bellatrix’s evilness peaked when she was a child.

Belladonna on the other hand still has regular pillow fights with her IF.

Diana: “What is this?”
One of the kids found a genie lamp on one of their trips to the mausoleum.

Diana: “Brilliant! The more children I have at once the sooner I don’t have to have anymore!”

Genie: “Your wish is my command.”
Diana: “Ummm, I’m starting to regret this.”
Genie: “Once a wish has been placed it con not be undone.”

And so, Diana and Hades got to work on the next babies.

Ummmm… Should I be concerned?
Braida: “Death likes to visit me.”

Braida: “We’re gonna have a honeymoon someday.”
I feel like I should definitely be concerned.

Hades has been learning recipes from the bookstore, and can now make lobster thermidor.

And now we have MORE BIRTHDAYS!

This is Buttercup, she’s got plain black hair and pink eyes.

Bridget has random blonde hair of mysterious origin and ice blue eyes.

Brayson is now a Supernatural Fan.

While Braida is a Daredevil.

A fresh set of toddlers means training is needed.

And the next batch of brats is officially on the way.

And since Hades has Buttercup, Diana tackles Bridget.

Apparently one of the gnome graves got struck by lightning when I wasn’t looking.
Old Gnome: “In my day, things like this were unheard of!”

Baxter: “I can’t take it anymore! All these new siblings! Our house is a constant rotating door of children!!!!”

Baxter: “I may have broke my arm, but I feel better now.”

This is just to show that Belladonna is a face clone of Diana (just like Beatrix).

Bellatrix: “Alright, kid. Since it’s the weekend, the parents like us to get out of the house and ‘explore’. So we’re going to some random lot nearby.”

Belladonna: “There’s playground equipment here, but it doesn’t look much like a playground.”

Balthazar: “How are all of you so calm? I’m freezing!”
Belladonna: “That might be my fault.”
Baxter: “We may be forced to go out and get some sun, but that doesn’t mean I have to LIKE IT!”

Diana and Hades meanwhile, have swapped toddlers for talking lessons.

Betsy: “This swing is pretty rusty. Is this place even open to the public?”
It’s a park, so yes.
Betsy: “Are their any safety standards?”
This is The Sims, so no.
Betsy: “So this swing is a death trap.”

Brayson: “Hmmm…. I’m not to sure about this.”
Belladonna: “JUST GO ALREADY!”

Brayson: “THIS IS GREAT! Why don’t we have one of these?”
I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Apparently the slide is the most interesting thing in this place… Wait a minute, that guy who’s always following them home from school is here!
Baxter: “Esteban, what are you doing here?”
Esteban: “I was walking buy your house when I noticed you were all gone, I checked every lot until I found you.”
Baxter: “Please stop following us.”

Brayson: *hiss* “I’m a dangerous vampire.”
Braida: “I can’t believe that idiot is my twin.”
Bellatrix: “We all have our burdens.”

Brayson: “Hey Esteban! What makes rain even worse?”
Esteban: “No clue.”
Brayson: “When you’re also freezing!!!”

Betsy: “Wait a minute… Where did everyone go?”
It started raining, so they all went home.
Betsy: “Oh… I got lost in thought contemplating the safety of this swing.”

You came home cause it was raining… But you’re still in the rain.
Belladonna: “Jumping in puddles is fun!”

Betsy: “I don’t get what’s suppose to be so great about this slide.”

And that’s all for now folks! See you next time.

Chapter 8: Stolen Hot Dog

Hades Cordell – Dad, witch
Diana Cordell – Mom, fairy
Bryan Cordell – Boy #1, fairy, young adult, Purple
Brian Cordell – Boy #2, witch, young adult, Spiceberry

Bella Cordell – Girl #1, fairy, teen, Sea Foam
Brandon Cordell – Boy #3, fairy, teen, Turquoise
Beatrix Cordell – Girl #2, witch, teen, Lilac
Balthazar Cordell – Boy #4, fairy, teen, Pink
Baxter Cordell – Boy #5, fairy, teen, Violet
Bellatrix Cordell Girl #3, fairy, child, Lilac
Belladonna Cordell Girl #4, fairy, child, Orange
Betsy Cordell Girl #5, fairy, toddler, Blue
Braida Cordell – Girl #6, witch, toddler, Green
Brayson Cordell – Boy #6, fairy, toddler, Black

Welcome back to the Cordell Baby Boom! Last time there were some birthdays… That’s pretty much it.

It looks like we’re starting things off with the children trying to avoid looking at their parents as they make out.

Diana: “You’re tired? Well suck it up!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!”
Brayson: *confused*
I feel like the quality of your evil plans is devolving.
Diana: “Shut up.”

I’m not entirely sure if this is a few minutes or a few hours later, but Diana does teach Brayson to walk.

Betsy meanwhile has planted herself in front of a cooking show.

The twins currently have a bit of a messed up sleep schedule, I think it takes a couple of days for it to work itself out.

Betsy on the otherhand is enjoying having the nursery all to herself.

Beatrix: “I miss the days when I would just no go to school. Now I actually have to do homework.”

It looks like it’s time for the next set of children.
Diana: “How many more times do I have to do this?”
As many as it takes to get 12 boys and 12 girls.
Diana: “I hate you.”

Geez, look at all those fairy wings in this picture. I’m not sure why fairy’s seem to be dominant over witches in this family.

*Gasp* Diana is actually being nice to one of her children.
Diana: “Oh shut up. I’m perfectly capable of being nice when I want to.”
Key words being when you want to.

This teenager kept coming home from school with them and wouldn’t leave till the wee hours of the morning for several days in a row. Don’t you have your own house random person!
Esteban?????(I think that’s his name): “But I like it some much better here.”
Beatrix: “My mom constantly harasses you with threats to try and get you to leave.”
Esteban: “Isn’t it wonderful!”
Beatrix: “… There’s something seriously wrong with you.”

It’s now time for another child to reach young adulthood!

Bella adds the trait Party Animal to Neurotic, Virtuoso, Daredevil, and Hydrophobic. Her lifetime wish is to be an International Superspy.

With Bella moving out, it’s time for the newest siblings to announce their existence.

Hades gets started on Bella’s portrait which will be the first one for the girls side of the portrait gallery/basement.

IF: “I want waffles too.”
Belladonna: “What was I thinking when I came up with him? He won’t leave me alone.”
IFs are all stalkers, you should have thought of that before letting yours glitch so I couldn’t get rid of it.

Belladonna got an opportunity from the science facility which when complete would get her the potion to turn her IF real. She needed a rainbow gem, which they happened to already have, so Belladonna sent it in. It was only after this point did the science facility decide to inform her that the needed $4000 dollars to make the potion… This family DOESN’T HAVE $4000!! Even if they did they wouldn’t waste it on an IF potion when they have other expenses… So that was a waste of a rainbow gem.

Balthazar then decided to build an igloo blocking the front door… *face palm*

Toddler training still needs doing, so Diana works on Brayson.
Diana: “I can’t wait for the time when I’m no longer pregnant every few days.”
Suck it up, there’s still quite a bit of children to go.

Hades must have been busy doing something, since Beatrix is teaching Braida to walk… I can’t remember what he was doing.

Bellatrix: “Well, well, well. What do we have here? It would be a shame if someone were to…”


Diana: “If you don’t shut up in there, I’ll glue your mouth shut!!!!!”

Meanwhile, Belladonna is receiving brain damage from her IF.

At least she can give as good as she gets. I’m willing to bet Diana taught all of her children how to throw a descent punch.

Brandon is being a good child by cleaning the whole house.

This must be what Hades was busy doing, selling stuff at the consignment store.

Really Balthazar? You couldn’t think of a better place to do your ridiculous dancing.

Now that she’s done stealing candy from babies, Bellatrix has decided to take up painting. I don’t think she ever does this much if I’m remembering right.

There’s a bunch of wings sticking out of a limo.

It must be prom time. I have no idea what happened to everyone, as I didn’t write it down, they all just went in their outerwear, and though you can’t see him, Brandon went as well.

And we’ve got another birthday!

Betsy is now a Couch Potato.

Diana: “Why do I seem to be doing everything here? Can’t Hades teach the brat to talk?”
Hades is busy… I think… I don’t really know.

Diana: “Now I have to teach her to walk too?? This is ridiculous!”

Ah, this is what Hades is doing, teaching Brayson the ins and outs of going to the potty.

Baxter usually has to breath into a paper bag once a day, everyone else in the house just sort of ignores this.

Apparently no one in this house is capable of washing dishes, Brandon is using the only available spot to do his homework.

Everyone else gets to do their homework on the floor, though to be honest this is what happens most of the time anyways.

Hades: “Am I going crazy, or is that mop cleaning by itself?”
That would be the family poltergeist.

And another one of Bryan’s pets bites the dust… Wait a minute, didn’t I move you out Bella?
Bella: “Maybe, maybe not. You’ll never know!!!”

Hades is still the family cook. I don’t trust Diana not to poison everyone.

Diana: “That’s probably safe. I do wonder about the effects on some poisons… Though I would try to give non-lethal doses, I don’t guarantee anything.”

Really? Now there’s 2 igloos blocking the door. Oh, and there’s also a snow angel. THERE’S A HUGE BACKYARD FOR THIS KIND OF THING!

So it looks like there’s still some pets still alive in this house.

Oh great, who let Esteban back in?

Diana: “I love me some hot dogs.”
Diana: “Or are they tofu dogs… YOU’LL NEVER KNOW!!”

Diana: “Damn, my dinner was interrupted by labor… Couldn’t I have finished my hot dog first?”
Belladonna: “I think I’m going to leave before you get fluids everywhere.”
Diana: “SHUT UP BRAT!”

Hades: “How am I supposed to know!!”
Hades: “That doesn’t mean I know what I’m doing!!!!!”
Diana: “Both of you SHUT IT!!!”

IF: “So what’s going on down here?”
Belladonna: “THE BABY’S COMING!!!”
IF: “And I’m out of here.”

Bellatrix: “It would be a shame if Mom’s hot dog were to get cold before someone ate it.”
Betsy: “Mom is so going to kill you for this.”
Bellatrix: “Not literally, I’m her favourite.”
Betsy: “Keep telling yourself that.”

Belladonna: “Wait are we no longer worried about the BABY COMING OUT OF OUR MOM!?”
Brandon: “Mom has done this plenty of times, I think she’s got it.”
Diana: “They are so lucky I don’t do the cooking…”

It’s a girl, meet Buttercup. She’s Perceptive, Loves the Outdoors, has a favourite colour of purple and is a witch!

And this is her twin sister Bridget. She Loves the Outdoors, is Absent Minded, likes the colour green, and is a fairy.

I think this is Hades drinking a young again potion, but it could be an age freeze potion… I don’t remember which.

Now that she’s popped out some more kids, it’s time for Diana to tend her neglected garden.

And that’s all for now folks! See you next time.

Chapter 7: Snake in Your Pants

Hades Cordell – Dad, witch
Diana Cordell – Mom, fairy
Bryan Cordell – Boy #1, fairy, young adult, Purple
Brian Cordell – Boy #2, witch, young adult, Spiceberry

Bella Cordell – Girl #1, fairy, teen, Sea Foam
Brandon Cordell – Boy #3, fairy, teen, Turquoise
Beatrix Cordell – Girl #2, witch, teen, Lilac
Balthazar Cordell – Boy #4, fairy, teen, Pink
Baxter Cordell – Boy #5, fairy, teen, Violet
Bellatrix Cordell Girl #3, fairy, toddler, Lilac
Belladonna Cordell Girl #4, fairy, toddler, Orange
Betsy Cordell Girl #5, fairy, toddler, Blue
Braida Cordell – Girl #6, witch, baby, Green
Brayson Cordell – Boy #6, fairy, baby, Black

Welcome back to the Cordell Baby Boom! It’s been awhile since I last posted here, last time… I don’t even remember what happened last time *reads previous post*… Alright, so last time Belladonna’s IF glitched out, Betsy was a nightmare baby who wouldn’t stop screaming, Beatrix and Brandon had problems going to school, Betsy became a toddler, Brian and Bryan became the first young adults of this challenge and moved out, Balthazar and Baxter became teens, and Diana gave birth to twins Braida and Brayson. Now on with the post!!!

We start off with a rather unhappy Belladonna with a stinky diaper.

Bellatrix also has a stinky diaper, but is making her displeasure known throughout the whole house.

Belladonna: “Great, now the new babies have joined in on the screaming.”

Belladonna: “What about me?”
Hades: *twitches*

Bellatrix: “Mother, at last.”
Diana: “Scream like that again, and you’ll be finding some maggots mixed in with your dinner.”

Belladonna: *sniff*
Diana: “Don’t you start, or you’ll get the same treatment.”

Baxter: “I have seen things.”
Bella: “Shut up, we’ve all seen things. Our parents screw like rabbits.”

Baxter: “The end is nigh!!!!!”
No it’s not. Stop being dramatic, besides your parents haven’t reached 12 boys and 12 girls yet.

In case anyone is wondering, I still can’t get rid of this cursed IF. All the toddlers make a beeline for it the minute I leave them alone.

And it wouldn’t be a Cordell update without one of their fairy dance parties.

It must have been a day off or something, and the teens were sent off to explore the mausoleum. It’s been several months since I played this and my notes consist solely of the kids names, traits, and favourite colour at this point.

Diana: “Why do I even keep this garden, I make more money collecting gems and things?”
To be honest I don’t even really know at this point. I went through the trouble of making a garden, so you’re GOING TO GARDEN!
Diana: “At least it’s a nice quiet place for me to think up of new plots.”
You mean new plots which you will never ever attempt, and only talk about?
Diana: “Shut up…”

Oh, I finally got around to making a basement to put the kids portraits in, there’ll be a wall for boys and a wall for girls. There also an area for Hades and Diana’s portraits for whenever I get around to doing those, as well as room for any extra kids that happen. Right now it’s a little empty with just Bryan and Brian’s portraits.

Bella: “What is wrong with this family, this toilet is filthy… Damn I miss being the youngest.”
You haven’t been the youngest since you were a toddler.
Can you even remember it?
Bella: “… No comment.”

This family is far from rich, so Hades does plenty of painting in his free time to help with the finances. At some point I know I do some redecoration of the house, but since I’ve played so far ahead I have no idea when it actually happens…

Oh no.

It seems Braida is subject to the same crib glitch Betsy went through.

Since I didn’t want to go through the swing mess again, I simply reset the town. It worked, and I’m not sure why I didn’t think to do this when Betsy glitched. It also meant that Beatrix and Brandon are back from boarding school, hopefully they’ll be able to go to school without any issues from now on.

Also for some reason Beatrix came back nauseated…
Beatrix: “The food was horrible. I miss Dad’s cooking.”

Brandon: “Yeah… The food sucked.”

Diana: “Have I ever told you that you’re my favourite child? I’m so glad to have someone to share my evilness with.”
Bellatrix: “I’m da favourite!!!”
What’s her name?
Diana: “What’s whose name?”
You’re favourite child?
Diana: “………… How do you expect me to remember something so trivial!! I’VE EVEN LOST COUNT OF WHICH NUMBER SHE IS!!!”
I rest my case.

Bellatrix then went and chose the worst spot ever to have her birthday.

I was at least able to get a good picture of Belladonna.

Bellatrix adds Good Sense of Humor to Evil and Virtuoso.
Bellatrix: “I’d argue that enjoying the suffering of other people just makes my jokes even better.”

Belladonna adds Photographer’s Eye to Disciplined and Clumsy.
Belladonna: “I may break several dozen cameras but my photographs will be excellent.”

And in other news, Belladonna’s IF got fixed in the town rest and I didn’t notice. However if I place the thing on the ground it will come to life. *sigh* So now I am stuck with Belladonna constantly pulling this thing out of her inventory in awkward places to play with it.

Oh, and I just recoloured Bryan and Brian’s beds for these two. Damn, I guess at this point I hadn’t even given the kid’s rooms better wallpaper/paint yet.

Diana: “MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Then everyone will no longer be able to sleep in beds!!!”
Do I even want to know what plan you’ve come up with now?
Diana: “You’d only try to stop me!”

Like the rest of her fairy siblings, Bellatrix loves to dance.

IT WORKED!! Brandon and Beatrix are now able to attend school normally.

Proof Diana really is a person… She sneezes too.

Diana: “I hate you.”
Keep telling yourself that. You wouldn’t exist without me.

I’ve apparently not taken very many pictures of Betsy’s toddler training, but I think this is her last skill.

There are SEVEN free spots at the table!
Beatrix: “But that’s soooo mainstream.”
Bella: “I know far to well what goes on that table, no way is my homework touching it.”
Baxter: “I would be on the floor too, but I lost a bet…”

WHY??? I thought the floor was bad, but these two are doing homework in the SNOW!!

Diana’s taking an age freeze potion so I never have to worry about her aging again. Hades will get one as soon as he gets enough points.

Put the snake back.
Bella: “Ahhh, I was going to slip it into Baxter’s pants, give him something to worry about for once.”
Bella: “Fine…”

Bellatrix: “Must I be forced to listen to this rabble?”
Beatrix: “I’m older than you twerp.”

Sometimes I forget that Beatrix is insane, and then she goes and does stuff like this.

Belladonna still has her IF, she plays with this thing whenever I leave her unattended. Her lifetime wish is even Vocal Legend.

I then made the decision to let Belladonna’s IF out so she’s not constantly playing with it in awkward places… I don’t even remember it’s name. Probably something generic like Puzzle.

I don’t show nearly enough photos of Betsy, but here she is mastering the xylophone.

Hades is getting close to the point where he’s going to need another young again potion, so I was trying to have Diana learn it from the potions table so I don’t have to keep wasting his points on it… I later give up on this pursuit.

Ah yes, Belladonna is now perpetually stalked by an IF she is finally ignoring.
IF: “I feel so unloved.”
That’s cause nobody wants you around!

With Bryan gone it was only a matter of time before his pets began to die.
Bellatrix: “OH NO! I totally didn’t feed him a bomb or anything… His death was completely natural.”
I’m honestly surprised they’ve lasted this long.

Oh birthdays. This is Brayson, not the greatest picture, but I couldn’t really get a better one.

Braida got a much better picture though.

Braida: “Where’s everyone?”

Braida: “My diaper smells.”

Brayson: “My diaper smells too…”
Oh look, an IF I have to get rid of still.

Diana: “This room smells like toxic waste.”

Braida: “That’s cause our diapers smell!”
Diana: “Shut up brat.”

And that’s all for now folks! I’m not sure why I had so many pictures of Braida and Brayson being upset by smelly diapers, but here we are. Next time Bella should age up, and hopefully the next kids will be born.

Chapter 6: Aging Up and Out

Hades Cordell – Dad, witch
Diana Cordell – Mom, fairy
Bryan Cordell – Boy #1, fairy, teen, Purple
Brian Cordell – Boy #2, witch, teen, Spiceberry
Bella Cordell – Girl #1, fairy, teen, Sea Foam
Brandon Cordell – Boy #3, fairy, teen, Turquoise
Beatrix Cordell – Girl #2, witch, teen, Lilac
Balthazar Cordell – Boy #4, fairy, child, Pink
Baxter Cordell – Boy #5, fairy, child, Violet
Bellatrix Cordell – Girl #3, fairy, toddler, Lilac
Belladonna Cordell – Girl #4, fairy, toddler, Orange
Betsy Cordell – Girl #5, fairy, baby, Blue

Welcome back to the Cordell’s! Last time 3 new members joined the family, Bellatrix, Belladonna, and Betsy, bringing us to 5 boys and 5 girls. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up this nice gender ratio.

First thing I did upon loading the game was fix Bellatrix’s outfits to reflect her favourite colour, Lilac. For some reason I had dressed her in Violet.

I just realized something… Both of these twins have pointy ears.
Bellatrix: “You just noticed that, a bit slow on the uptake are we?”
Shut up.
Belladonna: “You shouldn’t say shut up to babies.”
I’m sure you’ve heard worse.

Brian: “I’m surrounded by dancing idiots.”
Baxter: “At least I’m doing something productive.”
Bella: “WOOOOO!”

Bella, Brian? You do realize you can put your plates on the table.
Bella: “The table is covered in dirty dishes, and this slob is spraying food everywhere. No thank you.”

Brian: “Put my plate on the table? Other people eat there!”
Brandon: “Can I do my homework without the commentary please?”

Diana: “I’m surrounded by children, I can’t even get to the table.”
They’re your children.
Hades: “I think we should invest in several smaller tables spread out.”
Diana: “We could also just not allow the children to eat during certain times so we have the table to ourselves.”
Balthazar: “But I’m hungry now.”

Bellatrix: “Die gween man, die!!”
I see Diana’s long awaited evil child is turning out promising.

Belladonna: “FEED ME!!”
Bellatrix: “If feeding doesn’t occur soon there will be severe consequences.”

Diana: “The brats are screaming. They won’t shut up.”
Then feed them, they can’t scream if their mouths are full.

This is the current collection of gnomes.

There a total of five gnome graves.

Hades? You’re blocking the nursery door, no one can get in our out.
Hades: “So.”
Diana needs to get in to teach Bellatrix.

Hades: “Happy now?”
Yes, now people can actually get in and out of the nursery.

See now Diana can teach Bellatrix to walk.

I thought Hades was in charge of the potty training.
Diana: “I can’t allow him to corrupt my evil child with his slobish ways.”

Diana: “The baby won’t shut up!!”
Kids scream, that’s what happens.

Baxter ended up having to go to the hospital to treat his unstability.

Diana: “I’m trying to keep in shape, and these brats keep horribly dancing. They’re lucky if I don’t start putting sedatives in their food.”
Which is why Hades does all the cooking.

Brian: “Hmmm. I seem to be creating smoke… Maybe I need to change the batteries.”
I’m pretty sure it doesn’t have batteries.
Brian: “Do I need to plug it in then?”
It doesn’t need charging at ALL.
Brian: “Oh. Then why is it creating smoke?”
Your just bad at it?

There’s just a lot going on in this picture. First we have Beatrix in her formal wear. There’s a random child doing homework, Diana and Brandon are refusing to put their plates on the table, Bella and Bryan are demonstrating their poor dancing skills, and Hades is headed to the bathroom.

Baxter: “I’m surrounded.”
Maybe you should actually do your homework at the table for once.
Baxter: “I do better work on the floor.”

Betsy then kept glitching out of her crib, so I bought a swing for her.

If you’re tired go home, it’s 3am!

These two can’t seem to go to school. It says one day until school starts, it counts down until it hits one hour at which it goes back to one day.

More toddler training.
Diana: “How many more times do I have to do this?”
A lot, your not even half way through the kids yet.

I was trying to get rid of the IFs, but Belladonna’s glitched and became invisible. I can’t get rid of it, but the kids can still play with it.

Betsy will not stop crying, all her needs are green, the swing is on slow, but she won’t shut up.

Beatrix: “I must not turn around. Parents are showing affection to each other.”

As you can see Betsy is still screaming, and the swing is still on slow.
Bella: “Aren’t you a cute one?”

Thank goodness the cribs are working for Betsy again, she’s finally quiet.

I should probably get rid of the swing before everyone sticks toddlers in it everytime I look away.
*sigh* Belladonna does not need to go in the swing.

Baxter: *awkwardly dancing* “Why must I be the one to always witness these things?”

Balthazar found the invisible IF… I’ll never be able to get rid of this thing.

With Brian and Bryan becoming young adults soon, it’s time for more babies!

I see Hades is back on potty duty.
Hades: “Diana declared that she never wanted to go near a potty again.”

Since everyone’s been busy with the toddlers, Diana’s garden has been neglected.
Diana: “This garden was your idea in the first place.”
I know, I suck at having gardens in this game.

I’ve decided to send Beatrix and Brandon to boarding school for a few days to see if it fixes their inability to go to school.

Who dumped trash on the floor? Why are all of you ignoring it, ignoring it won’t make it magically go away.
Brian: “The trash doesn’t exist if I say it doesn’t.”

I’ve got to keep these two occupied or they make a beeline for the invisible IF.

It’s Bryan’s birthday, the first kids of this challenge are becoming young adults!

Bryan is now Childish.

I think it suits him.
Bryan: “Save me Mr. Yeti!”

Brian is next of course.

He’s now Nurturing. It must come from having a buttload of younger siblings.

And Betsy is now a toddler.

She’s adorable, and for some reason has a different wing type from all the other fairies.

Bella: “You’re not Dad, you can’t tell me what to do!”
Diana: “If you don’t do as I say, you’ll find slugs in your bed!”
Bella: “Hmph.”
Bella still has a favourite parent.

The next child is officially on the way!

Hades is working on portraits for the newly young adult Brian and Bryan, while Diana tackles toddler training.

More birthdays!

Balthazar is now Over Emotional.

If Balthazar is aging up, then so must Baxter.

Baxter is now Disciplined and his resting face looks like he’s dead inside.
Baxter: “I have seen things.”

Childish Bryan has made a habit of scaring people.

Since Diana did talking, Hades tackles walking.

And since my game decided it no longer wants to do graduations, Brian and Bryan are moving out now.
Bryan: “We’re moving to Sunset Valley where everything is wonderful and nothing bad ever happens.”
I’ll see you there!
Brian: “Wait what?”

Baby time! Brian and Bryan have just moved out, so now’s the perfect time to welcome the new addition.

It’s a girl! Meet Braida, she Loves the Outdoors and Loves the Heat. Her favourite colour is Green, and she’s a witch! This makes her the third witch child.

But wait, she’s joined by her twin brother Brayson! Brayson is Brave and Neurotic, and favours the colour black. Like his mother and most of the children, he’s a fairy. My gender ratio still even we have 6 boys and 6 girls, only 6 of each to go!

And that’s all for now folks! As for Bryan and Brian, we’ll be seeing them again soon. I’ve decided to do a Bachelor Challenge with them which I will post here. I’m thinking of trying to do a Bachelor Challenge for each of these kids, grouping them up by womb sharing. I’ve actually played through Brian and Bryan’s Bachelor Challenge already, and I had a lot of fun playing it that I ended up finishing it in two days… The first Bachelor Challenge installment should be up not long after this post.